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Microsoft Publisher Printing

You'll find that most printers look down their nose at anyone who uses Microsoft Publisher, in fact lots of them refuse to accept the files altogether - but don't worry, we're not like that.

We are happy to print Publisher documents but you should pay attention to the following points before sending us your files to ensure trouble-free printing.

Colour: In the 'Tools' menu click 'Commercial Printing Tools' and click 'Colour Printing'. Click the radius button marked 'Process Colours' (CMYK) - click OK to close the window.

You'll find that the colours in your publication will have slightly changed (particularly blues and oranges) - however, what you now see on screen is a much more accurate representation of the final printed document. (Click here for a more detailed explanation of colour balance.)

Fonts: In the 'Tools' menu click on 'Commercial Printing Tools' and click 'Fonts'.  Click the checkbox that embeds TrueType fonts. You'll also see a list of fonts in your publication - only use the ones that can be embedded!

Bullet points are a particular problem in Publisher because the font used cannot be embedded. Inserting bullet points manually usually solves this problem. (Check the embedded fonts list as described above).

Transferring documents:  In the File menu click on 'Pack and Go' and click on 'Take to a Commercial Printing Service' - this facility will automatically compress your material, and embed your fonts, graphics and pictures. Follow the on screen instructions. This process usually creates 3 files - send all of them to us.

There's lots of useful information in Publisher's help file - if you regularly produce documents for printing then it's worth reading.

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